

  • Carbo Rocket - Half Evil 333

    The Facts: This is great for a pre run/match. It is a fast digesting carbohydrate drink to help fuel your body and provide the much needed energy for that high intensity running. They also have other great products as well, such as Red Rocket for pre runs/match and Rehab for protein and recovery.

    My Take: This supplement comes in a powder form which I use specifically for high intensity runs as a pre-run supplement. I also use this before matches. This product comes in two options, caffeine or no caffeine. I personally use the caffeinated version which equates to about half a cup of black coffee (around 50mg).

    When to use: 2-3 scoops before a high intensity run or match. Can be paired with 6am Run PREs.

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  • Maurtens

    The Facts: Made famous by Eluid Kipchoge, the world record holder in the marathon, this supplement comes in either a powder or a gel pack for fast consumption. The gel pack works very well because it is fast digesting. It’s similar to GU except Maurtens has no artificial flavoring. So, if you have digestion issues, Maurtens would be a better option than GU.

    My Take: I have used these products a few times and I have enjoyed using them. However, the cost didn’t justify the means. Even though it gave me a good amount of energy, I still didn’t feel the same as I did when using the CarboRocket Half Evil 333. But overall it is a very effective product.

    When to use: Consume the powder pack or gel pack 30-60 minutes before a high intensity run or match.

  • 6am Run

    The Facts: This supplement comes in a powder form. There are two different kinds of PRE-Run powders. SPRINT and MARATHON. SPRINT has L-Citruline, 2 grams of creatine monohydrate, and 200mg of caffeine anhydrous, among other ingredients. MARATHON contains BCAAs and 135MG of green tea caffeine, among other ingredients.

    My Take: I stumbled onto this company a few years ago, and I am glad I did. It has become a staple in my training regime and my go to PRE before matches. It gives me a good amount of clean energy without feeling my heart pound out of my chest. I highly recommend either MARATHON or SPRINT for PRE-Run.

    When to use: Consuming 1 scoop of either PRE 30-45 minutes before you session or match. SPRINT should be reserved for High Intensity Sprint sessions, speed ladder work, resistance training sessions. MARATHON should be used for MAS runs, MAF Runs, Tempo Runs, and/or Matches.

    Get your own: Use Link Below and Save 20% on all products!

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  • Xendurance - Extreme Endurance

    The Facts: It helps with reducing lactate/lactic acid by 26%, reduction of oxidative stress by 39 % and reduces muscle soreness while also helping increase VO2 Max. This is all backed by studies and trials.

    My Take: This supplement comes in a pill form which I take twice daily and have noticed a significant decrease in post training muscle soreness. This allows me to train harder multiple days consecutively.

    When to use: 3 pills in the morning after you wake and 3 pills before bed.

    Get your own: Use Discount Code DATraining for 10% Off


Post Exercise

  • Endurox - R4

    The Facts: It’s unique patented 4 carbs to 1 protein ratio formula helps increase muscle glycogen replenishment by 128%, decrease muscle damage by 36%, increases protein synthesis by 400%, and increase endurance by 55% in a subsequent workout. This is also all backed by studies and trials.

    My Take: I have been taking this product for 15 years and there is nothing that comes close for post run/match recovery. This product comes in a powder form and is meant to be taken directly after a high intensity run/match. Its unique formula helps start the recovery process sooner. The two biggest differences I notice with this product are how much more energy I have after about 2-3 hours; I don’t feel like my energy has been completely drained from the run. The second difference is how less sore I am the next day. An added bonus - the flavor of these are outstanding! I have only tried the fruit punch and the orange and would highly recommend the fruit punch; it tastes like a red starburst candy. My girlfriend loves this supplement so much that she uses it as a reward for doing a high intensity run!

    When to use: Take 2 scoops immediately after a MAS Run, High Intensity Run, Long MAF run, or Match.


  • Whey Protein (True Athlete)

    The Facts: Whey Protein Isolate is great for muscle recovery after a resistance/weight training session or anytime you need protein throughout the day. It is a milk -based products so be aware if you have a milk allergy. Women should consume anywhere from 18-20 grams post workout and Men should consume 25-30.

    My Take: A clean simple protein that consists of 3 ingredients. No artificial colors or sweeteners. Just whey protein isolate. Its easy to digest and causes no stomach issues. It’s as simple as it gets.

    When to use: Take 1 scoop after a resistance training session or anytime throughout the day if you need to extra protein.

  • Creatine Monohydrate

    The Facts: It is the most valid and most misunderstood supplement on the market. Currently there are over 2,000 studies on creatine monohydrate and they all come back with the same information; its safe, effective, and produces results. It helps increase ATP production in the muscle, helps build lean muscle, helps with reps until failure, and aids in muscle contraction. Creatine should be taken more as a muscle building and TYPE II, fast twitch, muscle supplement. You will hold more water weight when taking this product and it’s also a good idea to double your water intake.

    My Take: I have been taking this product for the last 15 years, on and off. I have tried other creatine supplements, HCL, Buffered, Chelated, etc. Monohydrate is by far the best!

    When to use: Take 20 grams for the first 7 days. 10 grams before the workout and 10 grams after the workout. This should be taken with some sort of juice that has a moderate amount of carbs and sugar to help drive the creatine into the muscle and absorb better. This will over saturate the body’s stores and be able to use it more effectively. Day 8 onward take 10 grams post workout.


  • Fish Oil (Nordic Naturals)

    The Facts: Natural Fish Oils that contain triple strength OMEGA-3. It is ultra-filtered pure, so it doesn’t leave any fishy after taste or burps. This will help with cardiovascular, joint, and brain health.

    My Take: Best Fish Oil supplement on the market and the price is right too. I have been taking this supplement for the last 3 years and it has worked great.

    When to use: Take 1-2 soft gels daily.

  • Collagen - Type 1-6

    The Facts: Collagen is mainly known for hair, skin, and nails. However, Collagen is also great for athletes, especially when it comes to recovery to help strengthen and re-build tendons and ligaments. Tendons are mainly comprised of collagen and the use of Type II collagen specifically will help.

    My Take: Going through a number of tendon and ligament injuries myself, I started using these supplements and they worked out great. I would highly recommend making this a part of your daily routine for injury prevention.

    When to use: Take anywhere from 10-20 grams of collagen daily, but to be more specific anytime post workout would be best.

  • Multi-Vitamin

    The Facts: GNC Mega Men Sport or GNC Women’s Active have been around a long time. They provide everything the athlete needs to bridge his/her nutrition gap and making sure the diet is complete.

    My Take: GNC Mega Men Sport was my very first supplement I took when I was 16. I haven’t stopped yet, as it has been a part of my routine this whole time. You won’t feel a multi vitamin, but it does work in helping bridge that nutrition gap.

    When to use: 2 tablets daily