Running Supplements

Have you ever felt tired or even exhausted during your referee training runs? Or even during a match?

Have you ever just kinda hit the wall? Or in marathon running terms “bonked?” Or felt completely gassed?

There is no substitute for proper training, that part is clear. However, nutrition plays a very important role for both helping performance and recovery. The timing of certain key nutrients are also vital; something I discuss in my personalized programming in great detail.

I have been supplementing as an athlete for the majority of my 15 year career. As I have transitioned from my playing career to my referee career, there are only a few products I swear by.

  • Xendurance - Extreme Endurance

    The Facts: It helps with reducing lactate/lactic acid by 26%, reduction of oxidative stress by 39 % and reduces muscle soreness while also helping increase VO2 Max. This is all backed by studies and trials.

    My Take: This supplement comes in a pill form which I take twice daily and have noticed a significant decrease in post training muscle soreness. This allows me to train harder multiple days consecutively.

  • Carborocket - 333 Half Evil

    The Facts: This is great for a pre run/match. It is a fast digesting carbohydrate drink to help fuel your body and provide the much needed energy for that high intensity running. They also have other great products as well, such as Red Rocket for pre runs/match and Rehab for protein and recovery.

    My Take: This supplement comes in a powder form which I use specifically for high intensity runs as a pre run supplement. I also use this before matches. This product comes in two options, caffeine or no caffeine. I personally use the caffinated version which equates to about half a cup of black coffee (around 50mg).

  • Endurox R4

    The Facts: I have been taking this product for all 15 years and there is nothing that comes close for post run/match recovery. It’s unique patented 4 carbs to 1 protein ratio formula helps increase muscle glycogen replenishment by 128%, decrease muscle damage by 36%, increases protein synthesis by 400%, and increase endurance by 55% in a subsequent workout. This is also all backed by studies and trials.

    My Take: This product also comes in a powder. This is meant to be taken directly after a high intensity run/match. Its unique formula helps start the recovery process sooner. The two biggest differences I notice with this product are how much more energy I have after about 2-3 hours; I don’t feel like my energy has been completely drained from the run. The second difference is how less sore I am the next day upon awaking and starting my morning routine. The flavor of these are outstanding! I have only tried the fruit punch and the orange. I would highly recommend the fruit punch; it tastes like a red starburst candy. My girlfriend has even started taking this product, she loves it so much, that she uses it as a reward for doing a high intensity run!

If you’re looking at improving your energy, performance, and recovery, I would highly recommend trying these three products.
They won’t disappoint!

Everybody loves a good deal, check out the links below to save some cash.

Save 25% on CarboRocket - 333 Half Evil

Save 10% on Xendurance - Extreme Endurance

Unfortunately I don’t have a discount code but here’s the link


Nutrition While Traveling for Matches